Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research
1. Rise: Uses multiple closeup shots in the opener. Music begins to play in the opener after the soccer player puts on his headphones and doesn't stop playing in the opener until he takes off his headphones. At the end of the opener, the camera cuts between the soccer player and the person waiting at his car, where both share intense looks, building up tension.
2. Offline: The opener with a figure scrolling through a girls social media. The camera reveals that the same girl is in a cage near the figure. The girl then wakes up and realizes where she is. The unsettling music that plays through the opener helps set the tone.
3. Dear Lover: Beginnings with peaceful music over shots of a pond surrounded by trees. The opener is a flashback to the main characters adolescence. In the flashback she talks about running away from home, her girlfriend and the letters they sent to each other. At the end of the opener, the main character says she'll tell the story from the beginning.
4. Dare to Thrill: The opener is about teenagers doing dares. The opener has a montage of the teens driving around in a car on top of a parking garage, music begins to play over the montage when the guy plugs his phone into the car speakers. The music over the montage ends when the guy turns the volume of the car speakers down to zero.
5. Always Watching: The opener is about a boy who is talking to his therapist about his obsession with is best friend. While he talks, the camera shows him stalking and tying up his friend while eerie music plays over the scene.
6. The Blue Boar: The opener begins with a mother scolding her daughter after she was caught drawing. The camera cuts between the mother talking and the daughter touching a tree. The daughter then enters the forest and sings a song about something pulling her to be creative while the camera shows her moving through the forest. The opener ends when she makes a boar out of leaves and sticks, which fades into the shape of a boar and the title is shown.
7. White Coat: The opener begins with eerie music playing over dark lab of some sort. The sound of something bubbling and liquid being poured can be heard in the background. The opener cuts between a man tied up in a room and a mysterious doctor mixing liquids. Eerie music plays throughout the opener, building the tension of the scene.
8. Stalker: The opener begins with a girl waking up in the morning, she hears the sound of a camera but assumes nothing of it. The film cuts to the girl at school where she reads a note and realizes that someone is following her. Intense music plays as she runs to her car and struggles to open the door. The opener ends with her screaming when she sees something outside her window, however the scream can not be heard outside of the car.
9. Nostalgia: The opener begins with sad music overs shot of an old women looking sad. She looks at pictures of her family and she appears to look happy while looking at the photo.
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