
Showing posts from January, 2021

Initial Storyboard

Zoe did the drawings, Cayley brainstormed the types of camera shots used and the title, and I came up with the plot of the opener. 1. The first scene is the close-up of a student's mask having milk being spilled onto it. 2. The second scene is two shot of a teacher giving the student another mask. 3. The camera will cut to the student's house, where she will begin to cough a lot, stumble, and then fall near her bed. These will be shot in medium shots. 4. After the girl stumbles, the camera will cut to a flashback of the teacher for the beginning in a chemistry lab poisoning masks. 5. Then another flashback, a wide shot of classroom, where students are being told to wear their masks, with low key lighting for the scene. 6.  The flashbacks will end with a cut to a close-up of the girl's eye and the title, "Behind The Mask", will appear.

Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

 1. Rise: Uses multiple closeup shots in the opener. Music begins to play in the opener after the soccer player puts on his headphones and doesn't stop playing in the opener until he takes off his headphones. At the end of the opener, the camera cuts between the soccer player and the person waiting at his car, where both share intense looks, building up tension.  2. Offline: The opener with a figure scrolling through a girls social media. The camera reveals that the same girl is in a cage near the figure. The girl then wakes up and realizes where she is. The unsettling music that plays through the opener helps set the tone.  3. Dear Lover: Beginnings with peaceful music over shots of a pond surrounded by trees. The opener is a flashback to the main characters adolescence. In the flashback she talks about running away from home, her girlfriend and the letters they sent to each other. At the end of the opener, the main character says she'll tell the story from the beginning...

My Film Opening Project - Genre & Group Members

My film opening project will be a thriller and my group members are Zoe Fernandez and Cayley McCloskey.

Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season 3, episode 4, San Junipero)

 The extract begins with a fade transition from the waves of the ocean to a wide shot a city, the music adds an ominous feeling to the shot. The lighting during this shot is dark besides the small specks of light emanating from the city. The camera cuts to a establishing shot of a street in the city at night, a song playing from a car radio plays. As the camera gets closer to the car, the audience assumes that the people in the car or the person getting out of the car is the main character in this episode. However, the camera stays fixed until Yorkie walks in frame, the camera follows Yorkie in a dolly shot, then cuts to a close-up of Yorkie staring at a television behind glass. The lighting of street in Yorkie's shot gives a contrast to later shots where the lighting more colorful and dim. Yorkie's outfit also matches the lighting of the street from the storefront as she is wearing proper looking outfit. Yorkie stares at the television until she hears Wes and Kelly arguing whi...