Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"
The clip begins with a flashback composed of series of close-up shots between Agent Carter and Steve Rogers. The scene uses simultaneity to create tension as the audience does not know whether Steve will die or not. The music used saddens the scene as Steve chooses to crash the plane. The scene ends with Agent Carter crying as the camera fades to black. The editing of the scene makes the audience feel grief-stricken just as Agent Carter. The next scene begins with an establishing shot of New York, the "One year later" in the bottom right of the frame establishing a sequence of time for the audience. Then, the scene cuts to an office, with an alarm sounding in the background. Looking at the characters in the office, Agent Carter is the only woman in the office. She also positioned in the corner. Both of these elements show Agent Carter as different other characters shown in the office scene. Additionally, Agent Carter is dressed differently from all of the male characters, fu...